...................01110111011001010110110001100011011011110110110101100101................... Trail,cross country and street mountain biking from sunny Aberystwyth, Mid Wales, North Wales from time to time and the Marches. Pictures and rants from a weekend warrior in the purest form

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bakewell to Chatsworth and back again:

Bakewell, and the surrounding area has some pretty sludgey mud this time of year, it would appear.

following the first "epic route" from the light/white peak book.

though I wouldn't have classed 17 miles as epic myself, and wasn't exhaausted at the end of it, twas enough riding for one day for someone in my position (being a office cake and biscuit fatty monster)


the imposing Chatsworth house over an even more imposing toptube ;-)

luckily, Gravity tyres have such little grip in mud that clearance really wasn't and issue, even with the peculiar reinforcing brace


a smaller bike, with less problems in the mud (apart from the use of flat pedals perhaps, tsskk)



and the compulsary bike photo, of course.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Where it Hurts — Hit The North!

Where it Hurts — Hit The North!

Go Team;

"You'll drink bitter and you'll like it"
