Brechfa Gorlech

Brechfa Gorlech
Originally uploaded by olly rob.
Table tops and Helter skelter berms, take away the rubbish climbing singletrack and i think you may have the perfect man-made trail (though natural stuff always beats man made stuff). Its like a rollercoaster, only decisions on braking and pedaling, pumping and unweighting, not to mention steering, dictate how well you stick (or don't) to the rattly rails of the sketchiest rollercoaster ever. ACE, the next bike is a steel hard tail, long travel, single speed, bullet proof, trail monster truck. but until a job falls in my lap, i will just have to worry about which frame i want. Curtis SX trail? Cotic Bfe? on-one? I think, as it stands at the moment, i want to make my own ^o) tsk, typical
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