Nant Y Moch
Aberyswyth > Nant Y Moch > Aberystwyth
Distance: 52.58km
Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
11:00 > 15:30

Second weekend and the second trek. longer one this time as a dissapointing turn out, just me, Rhodri and Si, it was going to be around 70km, but the weather turned so we decided to miss out the river crossings and head back (scary stuff)
no punctures, no damage, brakes were sorted out finaly so over all a really good tri, and i managed to keep the pace up too. yay. Headed out the usual way to the back end of Nant Y Arian, then after the first scramble track out of Bont, turning left onto the back leg of the Conti trail unti we reach the Nant Y Moch resevoir, then we turn left around it instead of left, heading off over dam and round the rest of the resevoir, we got out to the next resevoir by 13:30 and the weather was turning, so we decided to double back and take on the remainder of the Conti trail, The long double track descent section down into Bont, and then off home the way we had come. it was a good fast descent tailing 4X4s and Dirt bikes. we will probably go out next week too to get one last proper ride in before Christmas. I hope ypu can all make sense of that waffle above, i was there so i know where i mean. unless you know the Conti trail then there is no hope, and if you do then good luck to you. Either way, it was a great ride even though no techincal singletrack stuff. xx


Rhodri on the move! (escaping??)

The Dam

Another Action Shot

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