Nant Y Arian
Aberystwyth > Nant Y Arian > Aberystwyth
Distance, 43.58km
Max speed, 62.2 km/h
11:00 > 14:30
First real outing for the new, currently un-named bike. Cycled out to Nant with Jack and Si, (rocklobster and SJP4) and did a large section of Continental trail including 'Mark of Zorro', 'Legburner', The Moors, that bugger of a climb from the village also various other bits and pieces, in-between. was a great ride, got my gears adjusted nicley and we got some cool pictures even though the weather was a little on the miserable side. took plenty of food this time, learning for the last trips mistake of taking bugger all food. nice thermos of tomato soup at the top of legburner, yummy. Took a spare innertube too, and didnt need it, but thats the best way i guess. should ahve worn sorts, although did make showering off easier and i can wear shorts on Wed now instead. Fell off once although had a few sketchy incidents, need to get used ot these new btakes and suspension. Sus' was quite hard so skipped around quite a bit but didnt want to bottom out my forks just yet so left it hard for the sake of the tricky jumps. got away with a skinned shoulder and nicked lil finger, but also chipped paint on chainstay so not impressed about that. Will stick some snakeskin stickers over it. It was from missing the trail with sketchy wheels and nearly sliding off the hill on the tightest switchback on the 'mark of zorro'. ne-hoo, all in all an excellent ride. Gonna go work out best way to load up pictures and movie clips. wish me luck.
set to go


Go Si go!!

The Sea, more to the point, home in sight

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