Compulsary Ride photo

Compulsary Ride photo
Originally uploaded by olly rob.
I'm getting there, not that may mean much to "you" as i havent really been keeping "you" up to date.
Since buying the Trance, and worrying about this and that, crap things like "is my headest too long" and "what do i do about the cable routing" not being able to get out as much is raather bugging me. And then of course theres the biggy "should i have bought it in the first place"
However!! a quickish blast up and down the Long mynd with Stu and his brother, Andy has highlighted that Yes I did make the right choice, and No i dont need anymore bikes.
if i were to have ONE bike, this would be it.
Once on it, its perfect, and all is well with the world. While stuck looking at it, in the corner of the room, or on my computer desktop at work. all those little niggles work thier way out, often ending me up making plans about buying brakes and cranks and stuff i already have and dont need, which disapate just as quickly.
tis a confusing way of doing things.
Anyhoo, things may be changing, as i BELIEVE there is a ride setting off from Derby village center next week, an oppertunity to meet locals and get ones foot in the door.
Which is always good.
Enough waffling, back to looking at anodised titanium bolts i dont need.
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