...................01110111011001010110110001100011011011110110110101100101................... Trail,cross country and street mountain biking from sunny Aberystwyth, Mid Wales, North Wales from time to time and the Marches. Pictures and rants from a weekend warrior in the purest form

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Of Wooly hats and alloy carriers

Bought a ProII on a wheel? You probably didnt get the sticker that says "only use alloy carrier cassettes"(as it will bigger the freehub body). I know i didnt. nehoo i'm not a 'galoot' so i havent destroyed it.
But to prevent any major damage, as i havent bought anything in aaaages* and as my cassettes getting on a bit, i found a nice Fleabay shop which still stocks XT 8speed! which is sadly being phased out.
Ive got better things to spend 90 quid on other than new shifters, cassettes and chains just because Shimmano are getting more and more rubbish and Hope are following shortly behind.
Hope make thier hubs in every combination possible, bolt thorugh single speed rim specific, the works. yet if you want a tougher freehub body you need to buy the steel body aftermarket, and they dont sell the Ti ones at all anymore. Expensive, but in my mind worth it as they are the best of both worlds. nehoo, you should be able to decide between weight and strength. rather than have to retrofit second rate steel ones (200g heavier or something stupid) Shit, im turning into a weight weenie kit whore

*now everyone has left aber for the final time, i cant steal/borrow extensivly tools, so the shopping list has suddenly lept up to include shock pumps, chain whips, cable cutters...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Pro II steel freehub body was ~150g I think.

1:41 pm


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