...................01110111011001010110110001100011011011110110110101100101................... Trail,cross country and street mountain biking from sunny Aberystwyth, Mid Wales, North Wales from time to time and the Marches. Pictures and rants from a weekend warrior in the purest form

Thursday, February 03, 2005

More Damage!

Not only did i bust a chain yesterday at clarach (i will have to carry my chain breaker now too)
but i slid down a gravel run off on my butt (was pretty steep, required steering, and i didnt have any on that surace). which made short work of my very very worn shorts, initiating a hole in the paper thin fabric, which with tearing up and down clarach, became quite a substantial hole. So ill be riding in jeans this afternoon and then off to find some new shorts. bummer 9maybe wil buy some riding trousers, but will still needs shorts i guess, for general wear. so will buy shorts first I reckon.
On a better note, I made a belt that will actually suppor the weight of my camera, (my leather studded one is wearing the hole through with the weight on the back, its made of webbing bits and pieces, and seems to be good good. xx


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